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Langley Forest School

Ages: 5-7

Day(s) of the Week: Friday

Time: 9:30 am – 2:00 pm

Location: Municipal Natural Park, Langley

Cost: $150 / month - 1 day per week

"Langley Forest School is a play-based school based out of Williams Park and the Municipal Natural Park in Langley, BC. Our school serves as an extension of the home, developing and nurturing values that will prepare your child for life – socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually. We believe that not only do children thrive in a play-based learning environment, but that extensive time outdoors can only serve to enhance their learning." (Langley Forest School,

Langley Forest School operates as a preschool Monday through Thursday and hosts Outdoor Experience Days for homeschoolers on Fridays. There are fall and spring terms, each consisting of 10 weeks. No term over winter.


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